Since my last blog I have made some serious decisions that will change my life as I know it. My prayer is that they'll end up being the best decisions that I have made other than having my little tyke.
Decision #1: College
I have applied for college courses at Colorado Technical Institute online and start school July 3 this summer. I'm quite excited to be doing this because I will be studying Information Technology, for now the curriculum is general in this area because I don't know for sure if I want to be an over all qualified IT specialist or be trained in a specific area like software or hardware. The Army training that I have received for the past 3 years gave me experience in multiple areas mainly in the Automation area, i.e, computers, printers, copiers, scanners, hard drives, etc.
Decision #2: Military Discharge
The main decision that kick started this whole thing was my decision to get out of the Army. I let my supervisor know of my decision and he started the paperwork that was required. They call it the Chapter 5-8; Chapter for Family Care Plan, meaning that since I have my daughter I have to put a plan into place so that if I deploy at short notice or have 24 hour duty, I have someone to take care of her so that I can "play soldier." I'm tired of getting beaten up as part of my occupational hazards and I don't want to miss out on any part of my daughter's life. I love her too much to do that to her, she's my life now and I have to act like it, and that for me is being there for her 24/7 and providing better for her. Yeah the military has wonderful benefits, only if it doesn't go above a certain dollar limit though then I have to pay for the rest that Tricare doesn't cover.
Of all the decisions that I have made in the last year and a half, the best two were being with my wonderful boyfriend who has been supportive the entire time and keeping my daughter. I don't know what I would be doing right now if it wasn't for her, motivating me to be better at being a mommy.